Dr. Romy Reading is a candidate at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.
She has worked as a Supervising Psychologist at the Center for Intensive Treatment of Personality Disorders at Mt. Sinai West and at the Peter Krueger Clinic for HIV/AIDS services at Mt. Sinai Beth Israel. She serves as co-chair for the Committee of the Humanities and Psychoanalysis of Division 39 of the APA and is currently launching a podcast titled Couched, which will feature interdisciplinary conversations between psychoanalysts and experts from a wide array of fields.
She has co-authored manuscripts on the topics of therapist reflective functioning, mindfulness, and group psychotherapy for LGBT asylum seekers. She received her Ph.D. from The New School for Social Research and is currently in private practice in New York City.